You’re moving out of your parent’s house and into your first home or maybe you are moving into Uni halls… but you don’t know what to take and what do you leave? Don’t worry, you are not alone! We can guarantee that everyone has had to think about the ‘what do I take with me’ problem!

You might be thinking about all the new things you can get for your home, but you’ll soon find your parents on the doorstep with a car full of your childhood toys and teenage clutter. You might not see the need for them now, but one day you may well treasure those memories. So, what sort of thing should you hold onto and what should you let go?

Things to keep

Family photographs

You may not be that interested in pictures of yourself playing on a beach you don’t remember age 3 – but one day you’ll find yourself wanting to know more about your parents holidays before you were born, or your grandparents wedding. Go through them with your parents, and have them write down who each person is on the back, so you have the information when you want it.

Old toys

Just like clothes, toys often come back into fashion as trends renew. Marvel figurines, Matchbox cars, Furbies, Tamagotchi and Pokemon cards have all come back around as must have toys over time. If you are still holding on to original versions of these, they may well increase in value. The last thing you want to do it is throw out all of your childhood toys now, only to discover you had a rare and valuable Barbie. And even if they aren’t worth anything, your own children may enjoy playing with them in time.

School reports and pictures

You may have skipped out of school on the last day, glad you never have to think about it again. Perhaps you won’t for years. But then you’ll have a school reunion, or bump into someone you knew, and you’ll want to peek back at the memories.

Awards, certificates and trophies are all nice to keep, but perhaps one of the best things, though you might not think it now, as your school reports. In 20 years time these can be a great source of entertainment, although you might want to hide the teacher’s comments from your own children.

Things to recycle


There may well be some favourite clothes you just can’t bear to leave behind: a snuggly hoodie or band T-shirt. But the majority of clothes you wore as a teen probably don’t need to go with you to your new home. Sort out the ones that no longer fit, or are a bit too worn, and see what you can give to charity.

Books and magazines

We certainly do accumulate a lot of paper in our lifetimes. But do you really need to keep it? Take a look at your bookshelves, and see which treasured paperbacks you are really likely to read again, and which ones you have outgrown. Comics and magazines are the same. It’s all extra weight.

Finding space

Now you’ve decided what you need to keep, you still might not have space in your new place for all the boxes. Don’t throw things out just because you can’t find a cupboard for them, if you know you’ll regret it one day. With your own small self-storage locker, you’ve got just enough space for your childhood treasures, secure and dry, until you’re feeling nostalgic.

Still not sure how much space you need? Call us on 0121 250 5055 and we’ll talk through your requirements and design the perfect package for you.

A storage unit is the perfect solution to tackle an overcrowded garage or shed. It’s ideal for storing your belongings when in the process of moving house, or to simply keep things safe that you don’t currently have the room for.

However, we’ve seen many of our customers really think outside the box when it comes to putting their self-storage units to good use. It seems that there are limitless ways to get the most out of this extra space. Here’s a few of our favourite ideas and concepts…

A creative studio

Perhaps you’re an artist or a creator and you just don’t have the space at home for all those important crafty supplies. A storage unit is the perfect place to transform into a creative area for you to let your talents run wild. Whether it’s painting, making jewellery or pottery – turn your storage unit into a dedicated place to focus on your craft.

At Cookes, we’ve seen many creatives do this. We have seen the likes of a wedding dress maker set-up shop in a storage unit to work on their creations. With something as intricate as this, you need the space, lighting and the environment to concentrate and our storage units lend themselves perfectly.

Teaching a craft

Ever thought about teaching others what you know? Well now you can with our flexible spaces. Whether you are a dance instructor looking for a studio or your an avid sewer looking to start a local knitting club we have a space for you!

Running your business

A self storage unit can easily transform into an office space. With everything you could need from wifi, to an onsite reception and free parking, many business owners have already tapped into this opportunity within our branches across the country.

And it’s not just businesses with offices that can do this. We’ve seen everything from hire equipment services storing stock essential to their business, tradesmen and builders who have too many tools to simply operate from a van or are worried about leaving them overnight in their vehicle, and a massage and wellness clinic carrying out their services for their customers from inside our storage units.

More personal space

Of course, it’s not just businesses that can benefit from a little extra space – we can all welcome it within our personal lives too. Perhaps you could use a storage unit for your own mini gym.

Similarly, could you dedicate your storage space to practising yoga, or another hobby that you’re passionate about? We’ve even seen someone install a half pipe in a storage unit for skateboarding, and a burlesque troupe use their unit for storing and changing into their on-stage outfits. Whatever your personal interests, a self-storage unit offers a private space to pursue these without interruption.

Get in touch with us today to see how we can help find a space for you!

For more information, call us on 0121 250 5055 or email us

At Cookes, the health and well-being of our customers and colleagues is and always has been our number one priority.

Safety for everyone.
Our store is generally low intensity in terms of use. Nevertheless, we have conducted a risk assessment as per the latest Government guidance and have taken appropriate measures to ensure our store is “Covid-secure” premises.

Our store will continue to maintain the same COVID-19 protections such as Perspex reception screens, hand sanitizing stations, floor distancing markers and safety signage as before.

To keep our customers and store staff safe, we ask that you continue to wear a face mask when visiting our reception, unless you have a medical exemption.

Furthermore, our reception opening hours may be subject to change at short notice as at times we might have reduced staffing; your understanding is appreciated.

A summary of additional measures we’ve taken:

  • We have supplied personal protective equipment (PPE) to our colleagues and customers. This is in addition to provision of hand sanitisers and hand washing facilities.
  • We have reconfigured our reception and installed transparent safety screens on all of our reception desks.
  • Customers are kindly asked to pay by card or direct debit as our stores will not be accepting cash or cheque payments. Payments can also be made by phone or via customer’s online accounts.
  • We request that customers and visitors scan the QR code when they arrive, using the NHS COVID-19 app. This is to help trace and stop the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19).
  • We have established an enhanced cleaning schedule of all trolley handles, pallet truck handles and regular touchpoints such as lift buttons, door handles and toilets.

Changes to storage services:

  • Deliveries: Our store still accepts deliveries on your behalf. We will place them in a secure unit and notify you of receipt of a delivery however, we will not sign for deliveries.
  • Boxes and packaging: Available to purchase from all store receptions, over the phone or online.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our customers and colleagues for their patience, courtesy and considerations during these testing times. Our colleagues are happy to answer any questions or discuss any concerns. 

For more information, please email: or call 0121 250 5055

Summer holidays are right around the corner, which usually signals another move for students. Whether you have finished your studies or will be returning next semester for another year, most halls accommodation requires students to vacate over the holidays. For those who are returning, the logistics of transporting a year’s worth of stuff across the country or across the pond can be a huge headache. This year why not make life easier with student storage.

Summer Sorted

There are many things to remember when you move out of halls, so let Cookes help you get ready! We have a vast range of storage solutions with simple, affordable pricing. You can store your stuff at a site local to your student accommodation so that it is ready and waiting for you when you return. No more dragging your worldly goods on and off the train, just pack your essentials and leave the rest with us.

Student Storage

Our secure storage units starting from 16sqft units, so whether you have clothes and a computer, or an entire suite of bedroom furniture, we can accommodate your belongings.  All our units are available with fully flexible contracts so that you can manage your storage according to your needs and budget.  You can reserve student storage online and store with us for as little as one week. You can even increase or decrease the storage size or contract length as often as you need to.

Simple Solutions

Here at Cookes, we understand that students have strict budgets, which is why we pride ourselves on simple pricing. We believe in providing quality, affordable storage for everyone. When storing with us, there are no hidden charges, no nasty surprises. Just reserve online, come in, store, secure and go.

If you are dreading the annual migration from halls to home this year, visit our website to see how our student storage solutions can save you the hassle!

Self storage is a valuable service that allows individuals to securely store their belongings away from their home or office. Whether you are moving house and need a temporary solution or wish to store important files over a long period of time, you can find a storage solution to suit. Some people consider self storage expensive, and there is no doubt that it may incur significant costs depending on what they are storing and how long for.

But when calculating the cost of self storage, the main consideration needs to be why you need it. Here at Cookes, our customers value the investment for protecting both your possessions and your peace of mind.

Safe storage

So, what do you get for your money in self storage? Well, firstly you get the peace of mind that your belongings are secure. Storing your stuff in the garage or at a friend’s house is all well and good, but can these locations offer 24hour security? Are they 100% damp free and unlikely to cause damage to delicate files or valuable heirlooms? At Cookes Storage Service, you receive a clean, dry, lockable space in which to securely store your belongings.

No two units are the same, and we treat every single one as if it held our own precious possessions. This is why Cookes provide state of the art security through out our site. With personal padlocks on all units, and 24hour CCTV surveillance, you can be sure that your stuff is secure when stored with us.

Flexible storage

Your storage needs can fluctuate month by month, year by year, so the idea that a one-size-fits-all contract can suffice is simply not feasible. Growing families and booming businesses will have constantly changing storage requirements. Rather than seeking to buy a property or premises that is ever increasing in size, simply invest in self storage that puts you in control. With solutions from as little as two weeks, we offer flexible storage contracts that can be increased or decreased in both size and duration at any time.

Simple storage

Unlike other storage companies, here at Cookes we prioritise simple pricing, so what you see is what you get.

We offer a huge range of storage units to suit every need. From 16sq.ft for to 270sq.ft. we have a space to suit you! The larger the storage need, be it in value or size, the higher the tariffs. However the longer you store with us, the lower the rates. Thanks to our simple pricing you don’t get any hidden surprises when it comes to settling your bill.

Want to know more? Drop us a line on 0121 250 5055 or get a free online quote today.

Moving house is a momentous occasion that we all face at some point in life, whether that is to head off to university or to leaving home to live with friends or partners. As exciting as it seems starting out, merging the possessions of two or more people can prove to be more than a little problematic. When faced with a choice of three sofas to sit on or duplicate dining sets, new cohabitants may feel pressed to part with their treasured possessions, so to avoid any awkward moments and make moving house hassle-free, simply use self-storage

Get Organised

It sounds so simple, but making a plan and getting organised early will help you immensely on your moving day. Keep a few essentials such a your kettle, mugs, tea bags and a spoon in a box on the front passenger seat of your moving vehicle (trust us you will thank us later!)

Have a system of what you need to move first and what can come later; bed first, bag of clothes you haven’t warm in a year… that can come last!

Give yourself space

Using self-storage simplifies a house move as it means that you don’t have to make any rash decisions about what to keep straight away. Perhaps more importantly, however, it gives you time to get a feel for the style that you want in your new pad, not to mention an idea on the best layout to maximise the space in your home.

Yes, you may be utterly convinced that your three-piece leather suite and chaise longue are perfect for parties, however if your goods are going to monopolise the room, then it is better to consider the home without them in it. Furthermore, you will avoid an unnecessary 22-point turn to get the furniture in through the front door.

Give yourself time

By storing your items in a secure self-storage unit, you remove the time constraints of trying to exchange and complete in a day whilst carting your worldly goods across the town. Few house sales complete at a weekend, meaning that you will need to take time off work to pack, ship and unpack your belongings within a very short time frame. By using flexible self-storage, you will be able to move in to your new home at a time and pace that is convenient to you.

Give yourself a good talking to

If there is one thing we all know, it is that as we travel along the journey called life we accumulate more than a few souvenirs along the way. Gathering together your belongings to move house can be a wake-up call as to just how much stuff you have, and now is the time to give yourself a good talking to about what needs to stay and what needs to go.

Rather than transfer all these items into your new abode or make any on the spot decisions that you later regret, use self-storage to filter these items gradually, and get rid of anything non-sentimental that hasn’t been used in 6 months.

This really simple lesson, saves many moving day tears! Your new home is going to be filled with new memories and sometimes, you just need that little bit of help to let go of items that you really don’t need anymore.

Enjoy the day

It is going to be hard work and there are most probably going to be some bumps along the way, but when you can sit back at the end of the day and look at your new home you will find that all those worries you have 6 months ago are totally irrelevant now!

For more help, head over to our page to see how we can help you with your move.

Happy moving Everyone!